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Motolani Dorcas Oluduro


a lawyer

Dearest D’lurr, I’m sure you must have seen that it is not just by name and that you’re actually expected to look, know, speak and act up to par, all the time, even by people who should normally not have a say in anything. By now, you must have noticed that being a law student in this Nigeria not only comes with a ‘side dish’ of unnecessary aliases and attention, but with a ‘main course’ of serious pressure.

pressured person

But not to worry, here are some tips on how to manage the pressure, and make sure that you’re always on your highest percentage and maintaining that steeze, every time.

1.       Calm down- I understand that your roommates always want you to settle every argument, and are unrelenting with the “D’law”, “lawyer” etc., and that your family too is not disappointing in this aspect and so, automatically, you feel an unnecessary need to be Lord Denning. But trust me, it is not and will never be that deep, in Jesus name’. Try dey chillax.  Learn to turn down people who are ‘after your life’, or better still, go after theirs! Just make sure your mental health is in check every time.


2.       Spend your money- Trust me, there has never and will ever be any award for suffer suffer, so do yourself a favor and ball! Treat yourself to nice food on a solo date, buy clothes to drip and be in your element.

a man eating

3.       Look the part- I believe I speak for more than half the population of law students in Nigeria when I say that the best part about Law is the drip. Dress yourself up every time and  make sure to never look like the shege you go through on a daily!

dress nice

4.       Network- To actually survive in law school and in the profession itself, you need friends in your circle and out. Network and interact with other law students and even people you feel are ‘out of your league’(whatever that means). Internships would easily do this for you.


5.       Have a goal- Have something you so badly want to accomplish. This would prevent you from burning out from all that work and pressure.

6.       Do your own thing- Study and read when you need to and avoid other people’s stuff getting into head. You are your own person, in the long run. Don’t overdo it. Just do you and be fine, eventually.


7.       Believe/Hope on something- Lastly, you would be foolish to think you can actually make it through all that tossing and pressure in Law to not believe and hope in a superior/supreme being. Go with your God and demurely press those necks!


If you guys loved this, and want more of this Law Student’s thingy, just let me know in the comments and I’ll be at your beck and call. You’re welcome!


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