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Stress Relief: Practices a Student Should Avoid During Exam Season

A stressed student

Just like that, school resumes, almost immediately, lectures are rolling in, and next comes the tests, and suddenly, like an expected thief, exams are here, and it takes away your composure and replaces it with stress, a lot of stress and pressure. Due to this, knowingly or unknowingly, you go into unhealthy practices which heighten your stress and anxiety levels. In this article, we will be showing you some of these practices that you as a student should avoid during exam season:


It just makes sense that procrastination should be the first thing you should avoid as a student during exam season. Delaying your study sessions for some minutes of satisfaction will only lead to last-minute studying, which will, in turn, make you panic and increase your stress level. So, instead of procrastinating, create a study schedule and stick to it as early as possible.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

Whatever problem you are going through in life, eat first!  This advice does not exclude academic situations. It is common knowledge that students skip meals to save time during exam seasons and substitute them with junk, fast foods and high sugar and highly caffeinated drinks, but this unhealthy habit, in turn, negatively affects the health, concentration and energy levels of such students. Proper nutrition is essential for optimal brain function so eat and eat well.

An array of unhealthy foods and snacks

All-night Cramming

Students tend to pride themselves in the ability to learn a semester’s worth of material in one night and so they stay up all night to study. However, lack of sleep and trying to learn too much in a short period leads to impaired cognitive function, where the brain becomes unable to process and store information, and it also leads to exhaustion. Avoid having a tired brain.

 A tired and worn out student

Staying in Isolation

In the words of a very wise man, “info leyan fin fo” (A Yoruba phrase which means information gives you the ability to fly). Though sometimes necessary for studying, isolating yourself completely during exam season is not advisable as interactions with course mates may expose you to vital information necessary to ace your exams. Also, connecting with friends and family, no matter how brief it is, will provide you with emotional support and alleviate your stress.

Harmful Coping Mechanisms

A lot of students, as a coping mechanism, rely on stimulants like excessive caffeine and energy drinks, which may provide a temporary boost but become harmful in the long run. While caffeine can help improve concentration and alertness, consuming too much of it can lead to increased anxiety and jitters, and it can disrupt your sleep pattern.

A coffee cup

Neglecting Physical Activity

Exercise has been proven to be a good stress reliever, and yes, you want to save time because it is exam season, but it does not have to be a full-blown exercise session. A little exercise here and a little exercise there can improve your mood and reduce stress. When you feel like your brain is overloading, take a stroll and you’ll see that it does wonders. Physical activity should not be neglected.

A girl exercising by running

Excessive Screen Time

One thing you want to avoid when you have exams is spending hours scrolling through your devices. Excessive gaming or social media use can be a major distraction, taking away study time and worsening stress.

A man excessively engrossed in his gadgets

Comparing Yourself to Others

This is a very dangerous practice that you should avoid during exam season. When you constantly compare your achievements and abilities to those of your peers, it leads to inadequacy and stress. Study yourself, understand what works for you, and focus on personal progress rather than comparison and competition.


Avoiding these harmful practices can help you maintain a balanced approach to exam preparations, and you can instead opt for better-coping mechanisms like journaling, meditation and exercise, which will lead to better performance and a healthy state of mind. In other words, your composure will be 100%.

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