OAU has officially resumed, well, for the freshers. A lot of you ancestors would have started
dishing out words of wisdom to these innocent freshers. While we can allow you guys also
need tips for resumption.
1. Re-strategize: This is mainly for those who are not satisfied with their previous results.
You know what you did last semester/session to warrant those grades, well, this is
barring unforeseen circumstances like “A is for God” lecturers. But you may need to
re-strategize. But for the ones on the right course, keep it up and maintain your stride.
But you should know you’re now a level higher, which means double the work. Don’t
2. Library card renewal: Some people don’t actually use the library to read, however, for
those who find reading in the library effective, I think this should be the first thing you
should do. The process for the renewal of library cards is always every first semester,
after which you won’t be allowed to renew the card until the next session. Failure to
renew the card would mean non-entrance into the library. You can check the library and
ask them when the registration would start.
3. Change your ways: Some of you that attended only 5 classes throughout last session, you know what to do. I know some lecturers can frustrate students, in fact, the classes may not
hold. But attending classes has its benefits also. You never know, you might write an
impromptu test, or mark attendance, or the lecturer might even give tips on how to
answer questions in tests and exams.
4. Don’t kill yourself: This one is for those that are trying to level up, trying to maybe reach
a first class. I would advise you to give everything you have. It’s just for a short
period, and it would be worth it. However, don’t kill yourself. There is a limit your body
can take. Eat, sleep... It’s very important. The right balance of these would
guarantee stellar results, barring interferences from your village people, of course.
5. Curtail your spending: This advice is not for the bandits though. It’s for the normal
students. You know the way resumption enters everybody’s head and you’ll be buying
risky and indomie every night, then 1k suya as dessert, well you might need to plan well this time. Know when to spend and when to throw the towel .