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Productivity Tips for Studying in Your Student Room

Updated: Aug 20

As a university student, studying is as essential as feeding, as it is the whole bane of your student existence. Thus, finding a comfortable reading spot is of great importance, but not always an easy task. However, we need not look far because every student has access to a student room, either privately owned or allocated by the school. Here are some productivity tips to help you fully maximize studying in your student room:

Create a Study Area

A study area is basically a spot in your room you specifically designate for studying. You have to do this so as not to be worried as to where in your room to read anytime you want to read. Note that this spot must be well organized and decluttered because a well-organized studying area improves motivation to study and aids better assimilation.

A study area in a student room

Stay Comfortable

This goes hand-in-hand with creating a study area because you want to make sure that your study area promotes as much comfortability as is needed for easy assimilation. For example, using a comfortable chair ensures that your back is well-supported and this helps you avoid strain. You must however be careful not to be too comfortable so you do not fall asleep while reading.

Ensure Good and Proper Lighting

You do not want to have to strain your eyes while reading as your brain is probably going through a lot of strain already, so ensure your study area is well-lit. Get a study lamp if necessary, but the goal is to make sure that you have proper lighting that promotes focus.

A study lamp

Minimize Distractions

This tip is extremely important because there are tendencies to relax since you are reading in the comfort of your room. You need to block out distractions completely. If possible, steer clear of your devices in place them far away from your study area. If it is not possible, then turn off notifications and freeze distracting apps. You can also go ahead to turn on focus mode if your devices have this function.

A student who is likely to be distracted with his gadgets while studying

Put Systems and Routines in Place

Accountability is an important virtue every student has to possess and it’s easy to be lacking in this because there’s no one to put you in check. If you however put systems and routines in place, this will make you more accountable. Set a regular schedule that fits your style of studying to establish a consistent study routine. You can make use of a planner to keep track of your study sessions, assignments, and deadlines. For extra motivation, you can add a reward system for every time you stick to your schedule.

A schedule planner

Stay Organized

The goal is to make sure that after keeping your study area organized it should always remain organized. Keep your notes, textbooks, schedules, and writing materials neatly placed and arranged. This helps you to be aware of where everything you need is and reduces the time spent looking for things.

An organised work environment

Remember to Take Breaks

Now as a student, you may be tempted to unleash the Albert Einstein in you but even the best of geniuses take breaks. Make time to take regular breaks to avoid burnout. Ensure you take breaks according to how long or short your focus span is. If you have a short focus span, you can make use of techniques like the Pomodoro Technique which gives you 25 minutes of studying and a 5 Minute break after.

Stay Healthy

This is the last tip, but I assure you it definitely is not the least. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated and stay well-nourished, remember that you can only read and assimilate well if you are healthy. Keep snacks and water with you while studying to help you with this.

In conclusion, in the words of the President of a country, “a creative mind is a fertile land for growth,” so also sticking to these productivity tips is a fertile land for studying efficiently in your student rooms.


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