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Motolani Dorcas Oluduro

Importance of building networks and connections as students: paving the way to success

pictorial description of networking

Networking is the process of establishing and nurturing relationships with individuals who can provide support, information and opportunities, both in academic and professional contexts. A major factor that distinguishes networking from casual socializing is that networking is strategic, intentional and focuses on building relationships that are mutually beneficial to both parties, now and in the long run.

This article would dwell majorly on the importance and benefits of building networks and connections for students.

Access to opportunities

This is arguably one of the most significant advantages of networking. In most cases, internships and job placements are cinched through personal connections, rather than the regular traditional application processes.

how networking makes you standout from the crowd

Skill acquisition and development

Through constant networking and connection, essential skills like communication skills, interpersonal relation skills, professionalism, public speaking and presentation skills etc., that are pivotal to the overall development of a student are developed and honed.

Building confidence

Networking encourages students to step out of their comfort zones and engage with others by fostering self-confidence and an overall improvement in personal and professional growth. Constant interaction with professionals and peers would help a student’s articulation and expression of thoughts and ideas more effectively.

networking helps your public speaking

Increased knowledge

Through networking events and workshops that often feature experts in diverse fields, who share valuable insights and experiences, students have the opportunity to gain more knowledge and be exposed to various developing trends in their chosen field, as well as discovering their potential career paths.

Long –term relationships

The connections made during a student’s academic journey are quotably the most long lasting, as they thrive well even after graduation. Maintaining these relationships lead to job referrals, recommendations, internships, mentorships and even partnerships.

long term relationsh


In conclusion, students are encouraged to actively seek out networking opportunities and build strong connections while in school, as these relationships place them in a strategically advantaged position in the highly competitive job market. It also bears mentioning that networking has been made easier in today’s digital age, through the emergence of social media platforms like LinkedIn, where it is much easier to connect with persons with like interests .

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