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Top 10 Essential Items to Bring to Your Student Housing

If you’re planning on moving to your personal student housing, then this is for you. Welcome! Grab a seat! We understand that the thinking process that goes into packing is sometimes frustrating, especially if you are a freshman, and you may just end up packing things that you do not need and not packing things that you need. In this article, we’ll be intimating you with ten essential items you need to bring to your student housing.

A student housing

1. Bedding:

A student’s daily life is filled with enough problems as it is, and what more to mitigate this than a good night's sleep? Make sure to pack your bedsheets, blankets, and pillows to make your bed feel cozy and warm. Again, you’ll need as much comfort as you can get; this is not a drill.

2. Toiletries:

Without prejudice to any gender, toiletries are so essential, not to you alone but for the benefit of the people around you. Therefore, do not forget essentials like soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, skin care products, hair care products, and any other personal care items you need.

Essential Toiletries

3. Study Materials and School Supplies:

Students get so occupied with packing that they forget the main reason why they are packing in the first place: school. Bring all the school supplies you’ll need for your classes like books, notebooks, pens, highlighters, a desk lamp, sticky notes, and any specific supplies needed for your courses.

Study materials and school supplies

4. Electronics and Tech Gadgets:

Just as your study materials and school supplies are essential, your electrical gadgets are also as essential. For a generation like ours who have heard an ear full of too much use of electrical gadgets, we are only adding this for posterity’s sake. For your academic needs, you’ll need a laptop, phone, chargers, headphones (this is as essential as it can get, especially if you’d be sharing a room), and any other gadgets you can’t live without.

Electronics and tech gadgets

5. Cleaning and Laundry Supplies:

One thing you do not want to forget while packing is your cleaning and laundry supplies. It’s quite easy to forget packing them, but that’s exactly why we are compiling this list for you. For your living space to be clean and livable, pack supplies like a broom, dustpan, brush, bin, and mop. While you’re at it, don’t overlook a laundry basket, detergent, and a drying rack.

6. First Aid Kit:

It is very essential to be prepared for minor emergencies; therefore, you need to have a first aid kit so nothing catches you unawares. Your first aid kit should include pain relievers, cold medicine, antiseptic cream, band-aids, and any personal medications.

A mini first aid kit

7. Décor Items:

To make your space or housing as homely as possible and to add personality to it, it is essential to have with you posters, photos, artwork, fairy lights, and plants. Just a little or a lot of something to lighten up your space and, by extension, your days, weeks, and student years.

A decorated room with plants, pictures, posters and fairy lights

8. Clothing and Shoes:

Never to be caught unfresh, innit? Well, another essential item to bring to your student housing is your clothes. You need to pack a variety of clothing for different occasions, which includes business wear, casual wear, workout clothing, and religious attire. While you’re at that, do not forget comfortable shoes for different weather conditions.

A cupboard filled with clothes and shoes

9. Kitchen Essentials:

Since we’ve established that cooking is a life skill, you do not have to be a culinary expert before you bring along with you basic kitchenware like pots, pans, utensils, plates, cups, kettle, and if allowed, a mini fridge.

Kitchen essentials

10. Power strip and Extension Cord:

Your electrical gadgets and appliances will most likely not be proportional to the in-built electric sockets that are available in your student housing. It is, therefore, essential for you to bring with you a power strip and extension cord.

A power strip and extension cord

There goes the ten essential items. By packing these essential items, you’ll be well-prepared for your student housing and ready to conquer the world!

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